Its So Easy Being Green EcoFriendly Cotton Hat for

Its So Easy Being Green EcoFriendly Cotton Hat for Chemo Patients Secrets
Its So Easy Being Green EcoFriendly Cotton Hat for Chemo Patients Secrets

One of the best things a practitioner can do is free their patients from the insidious, fear ridden consensus field of their illness which unfortunately is what the medical establishment promotes.

Gutirrez, D (2008) Natural News ( Cancer Industry Raking in Profits on Chemotherapy as Treatment costs skyrocket)

“Knowing the odds of successful outcome using chemotherapy are nil in many cancer cases, why do you continue to prescribe chemotherapy?”

Our loved ones are silently slipping away in hospital wards being denied the knowledge of Meta-Medicine and the new approach this entails to their illness. In the words of Dr.Hamer ‘the man who invented chemo should be given a monument in hell.’

In the meantime the holocaust continues in the name of the fat profits of the pharmaceutical industry. I say holocaust because there is a deliberate suppression of Dr. Hamers discovery. Warrants have been issued for his arrest in Europe and he lives in hiding outside the E.U. not wanting to go back to prison a third time. Ignorance is one thing, deliberate suppression another.

Have They Ever Compared Cancer patients on chemo to Those Not on it?

To end this article we leave you with a quote from a French Professor of oncology – Professor George Mathe – “If I contracted cancer, I would never go to a standard cancer treatment center. Cancer patients who live far from centers have a chance.”

“Fear of death” conflict affects the lung. Unfortunately foci appear instantly so by the time the consultant performs a radiograph of the lung he sees a shadow. He claims the original lesion has spread. Sadly it often was the diagnosis of the ‘cancer’ which triggered the new conflict.